2 girls of Pakistani origin got married in England. The marriage is registered now in Great Britain. Names of the
girls are Rehana Kausar and Sobia Komal. According to reports both of
them approached the council office initially and told them that they
want to get married to each other. Council apologized initially and
stated that since both of them are Muslims, therefore it is not possible
for both of them to tie a lesbian knot with each other. After that
Rehana Kausar and Sobia Komal adapted the stance that both of them are
adults now and according to the laws of Great Britain, they reserve the
right to spend their lives as they wish. Council registered them in one
month duration and after the completion of the registration both of the
girls arrived at council’s registration office in white bridal dress.
After that they signed the registration documents and got connected to
each other in a lesbian knot.
According to sources Rehana Kausar is from Lahore while Sobia Komal is
resident of Mirpur. It is noteworthy that both of them are earning and
Rehana Kausar has attained her PhD from Punjab University.
The trend they have set might be encouraging for other such Muslim
origin girls based in UK. Homosexuality concept is not present in Islam
and in countries like Pakistan or any other Muslim country this kind of
relationship is not appreciated at all.
Whatever the case may be, this trend in Muslim girls is damaging the
image of Islam and it should rather be discouraged at every platform by
Muslims whether in countries like Pakistan, USA or Great Britain.