A senior officer of Islamabad police recently sumbmitted a report in
Islamabad High Court (IHC) in which it is identified that in 58
locations in the capital city of Pakistan prostitutes are running
illegaly,and have opened prostitutions centers.
Prostitutes are opnely available in G-sector and F-sector of Pakistan's capital Islamabad.
It is mentioned in the report that mostly of these brothels are present in the G and F sectors where most of middle class and upper middle class people live.According to former deputy general and deputy prosecutor general Mr Tariq Mehmood Jahangri,most of women involved in this activity because of poverty and when their husband leaves them or do nothing,then they join this immoral business.Some of women who joined these activities were sexually exploited by her senior colleagues and employes.
Further mentioned in the report that some of small level employers hire women in need of lucrative salaries and then did not pay salaries for first two or three months.Afterward these employers seeks sexual fovors before handing over salaries.